Crystal Elixirs

Crystal elixirs are tonics for change.  They create shifts in our awareness, and act as catalysts for emotional and spiritual growth.

To make a crystal elixir, water is safely infused with the unique energy of a crystal. This supercharged water is then preserved with a small amount of brandy. This is called a single crystal essence or stock bottle. At Vintage Health, up to seven or eight single crystal essences are blended in various combinations to create transformative crystal elixirs.

To use a crystal elixir, drops are typically placed under the tongue, or in a vessel of water and sipped on throughout the day. The energy signatures from the crystals are absorbed by your being, and over time there are shifts in the emotional and spiritual terrains.

Some of the different experiences reported during a crystal elixir journey include:


  • Breaking those fixed ways of operating that no longer serve you

  • Issues or people or situations that usually trigger you, no longer have the same power.

  • Release of the pain from trauma, past or present.

  • Deeper understanding as to why certain patterns or outcomes are repeatedly showing up, and an opportunity to transform these.

  • Address repeated emotional states that seem to colour your experience of life, like irritability or fear, or hopelessness, despair, intolerance etc.

  • Gaining a fresh perspective on tired old issues. Seeing solutions to problems that weren’t visible before.

  • Old and tired emotions are replaced with more enjoyable states of being like peace, confidence, vitality, gratitude, joy, a sense of direction, room to breathe and process, renewed enthusiasm, resilience, alignment with what your heart and soul want and faith that the Universe has your back.

And excitingly the list goes on…..


So which crystal elixir to choose?


The Global Elixir blends address the following themes:


Developing and strengthening dialogue with your inner guidance system.
Speak Your Truth An elevated state of communication providing clarity, confidence and peace of mind  that what you say is aligned with your Soul’s true intentions.
Useful for those in constant overwhelm. Wonderful to let go of the heaviness of life you have been carrying, and surrender to the universal plans for you.
Love Bombing Blasts through barriers to love, showering and infusing you with love. It opens you up to the love that is already there. Self love is possible, it’s a light inside you waiting to empower you. Universal love envelopes you. The love of your ancestors shines in all that you already are. Also useful to transform fear, or operating from a place of fear.
Appropriate Boundaries Helps create strong emotional and energetic boundaries. Vital for highly sensitive people or empaths. For those feeling drained by other people or situations.
Flow For busy and capable people who need to be in control. This need disrupts ‘going with the flow’. Flow elixir creates an ongoing relationship with surrender, builds trust, fosters joy.

If you would like to explore the Global Elixirs more, you can find them here.

Aura & Space Spray

To accompany the crystal elixir drops, I also created a spray for Grounding and Protection. this can be used in your aura or space where you want to clear the energy, ground scattered energy to focus, and protect yourself from energies from the physical and spiritual realms. Think of the Grounding and Protection spray as a smokeless odourless smudgestick. Great as a monster spray for psychic little (or not so little) people too!

The Grounding and Protection spray comes in two sizes, 100mL for those daily room clearing jobs, and 50mL to conveniently carry with you. These amazing little sprays can be found here.

So are you ready to jump on in and experience crystal elixirs for yourself?

Please visit the Vintage Health Shop to see all the products available.