The Development of Crystal Elixirs & Sprays at Vintage Health

Crystal Healing became an obsession interest of mine in 2017. In the middle of that year I was handcrafting flower essences to use with my clients, family and friends. In the Fall, my attention turned to crystals and minerals. I took a deep dive into researching the energy signatures of different crystals, and amassed a collection of specimens along the way. I wanted to experience each one for myself. And I did! Holding different crystals brought on feelings of peace, clarity, groundedness, lightness, like my heart was opening and joy was present, confidence, the ability to communicate clearly and with intention, gratitude, renewed wonder at the world around me, connectedness to people, connection to my spirit guides and ancestors, what felt like tapping into old knowledge….. and the list goes on.

No wonder I was obsessed!

But, I started to have a niggling unease. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but obsessively buying crystals wasn’t feeling so good anymore. I started dwelling on the environmental and human impact of my purchases. While my intentions were to learn about crystal healing to help others, with each piece I acquired, I was still being a consumer. Supporting the taking from the earth, probably supporting systems that promote modern day slave and child labour, unethical mining practices etc. All which have consequences. I also discovered that while some crystals were indeed lifelong ‘friends’ whose energy I would regularly want around me throughout my life there were others that I only needed the energy signature of that specimen in my life for weeks or months. These were crystals that I noticed I lost interest in, and they would just sit there, looking unhappy and gathering dust.

So how to share the amazing healing energy of crystals without supporting overconsumption of the earth’s resources? And all the ghastly practices that go along with mindlessly buying crystals? And also how to know when a crystal energy signature is a support you will want for life, or only for a short period of time?

The answer for me lay in crystal essences. The unique energy signature of each crystal captured in a bottle, ready for me to share with my clients, family and friends. So I got to work handcrafting an essence for each crystal. In all, I’ve amassed a collection of over 180 crystal essences. A wide array of possible healing signatures ready to unleash on the world!

But how to choose the right crystal essence, or combination of crystal essences (which I call an elixir) for my people?

Learning flower essences, I was dealing with less than 40 flowers (in the Bach range). In the Western australian range there are 88 flowers, but I had tools to sift through those, to narrow it down. The flower essence students who took the deep dive course into these 88 flowers took a five year course to do that! I didn’t want to wait that long. Sure I could learn each and every one of the 180 plus specimens I work with. Overwhelming, but doable. I could also cull the collection to a more manageable 25 or 30? But then someone could be missing out on an energy signature for them that is the key to their shift in awareness. But what about matching the clients needs to what the crystal has to offer?

The answer lay in modifying a technique my flower essence teachers in Australia use. They have a deck of cards for those 88 flowers, and use this deck as a sorting tool, narrowing down a clients personal formula to a handful of flower essences.

The key to this technique is the client connecting with their intuition, and letting their intuition connect with the spirit (or energy signature) of the flower on the card. Its a technique that relies on trust and surrender and faith that your intuition knows what you need.

So instead of the pictures, I had the actual crystals! And the Choose Your Own Crystals elixir system was born. Over the years my clients have transformed their relationships, create space and peace for themselves, acquired new levels of understanding about themselves, felt alignment with their souls needs and what they are communicating, and how they are showing up in their lives, and developed a sense of faith and gratitude that they are being taken care of.

So with much excitement I have brought the CYOC elixirs to the global community. You will find this unique, intuition based approach to choosing crystal essences here in the Vintage Health Shop. Along with a more recent addition to the Vintage Health crystal tool box, the Global Elixir blends. These are a set of pre-made elixirs covering some of the recurring themes I have witnessed my clients and people in the global community face. Broader ideas in the global consciousness like leaning into your intuition, letting in love in all its forms, speaking your truth, creating balance in your life, letting go of control and having faith the Universe has your back, creating appropriate boundaries, holding space for others and yourself as we all deal with being human, strengthening your powerhouse of confidence, and the list goes on. The Global Elixir blends can be found here in Vintage Health Store.

Finally, to accompany the CYOC elixir, and the Global Elixir blends, I created a spray for Grounding and Protection. This can be used in your aura or in a space, to clear negative energy, create groundedness and focus, and reset you or the energy in a room. Fantastic if you are working from home and the mad dash energy of the breakfast table now has to be cleared. A few sprays and you can be in organised and productive energy at the same table. Also useful as a monster spray for those little (or not so little) people with psychic abilities, who get scared of what they experience in the ‘unseen’ world. Here you will find the Grounding and Protection spray for sale.